Friday, July 29, 2011

Add Page Numbers to a PDF Export

To add page numbers to a PDF export, enter the following code in the PDF Stylesheet:

     content: counter(page);

Access the PDF Layout section.

Enter code similar to following in the PDF Space Export Header or PDF Space Export Footer section of the PDF Layout:

     <div style="text-align:right;"><span id="pageNum"/></div>

To edit the PDF Stylesheet page, open the space then go to Browse > Space Admin > PDF Stylesheet > Edit button.

To edit the PDF Layout page, open the space then go to Browse > Space Admin > PDF Layout > Edit button.


See the Editing the PDF Stylesheet page for more information.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Remove TOC from PDF Export

To remove the table of contents from your PDF export, enter the following code in the PDF Stylesheet:

     display: none;

To edit the PDF Stylesheet page, open the space then go to Browse > Space Admin > PDF Stylesheet > Edit button.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Can't Find Restored Page

When a space admin restores a deleted page from the Trash, the page becomes an orphaned page within the space. To see the page, go to Browse > Pages > Tree view. Make sure to move the page under the appropriate parent page.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Workaroud for Check In, Check Out

Confluence does not allow users to check in and out pages. To work around this issue, restrict the page so that only you can edit it. Once you are finished, remove the restriction.

To restrict the page:
  1. Edit the page.
  2. Locate the Restrictions section near the bottom of the page.
  3. Click the Edit link.
  4. The Page Restrictions window opens.
  5. Select the Restrict Editing of this Page radio button.
  6. Select the Me icon.
  7. Press the Save button.
To remove the restriction:
  1. Edit the page.
  2. Locate the Restrictions section near the bottom of the page.
  3. Click the Edit link.
  4. The Page Restrictions window opens.
  5. Locate the listed restriction.
  6. Click the Remove Restriction link.
  7. Press the Save button.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Remove Scrollbar from Code Macro

It's Monday morning, and I've already received a request for help with the {code} macro. The box started showing a scrollbar for all text, regardless of length. To fix the issue, I added the following CSS to the space's stylesheet.

div.code, div.preformatted {
overflow: visible;


Check out this webpage for additional information on the {code} macro:

Friday, July 15, 2011

Page Copy Does Not Copy Children

Today a user wanted to know if she could copy a page and have it copy the children. Neither of us could figure out how to do this. So I ended up:
  1. copying the space, 
  2. making it a subspace of the Archives space,
  3. moving its home page under the Archives home page, then
  4. deleting the subspace.